Put decades of Pay compensation studies, data analysis, and strong technical skills to work for your organization's next Pay Compensation needs.
Does your community need an interim administrator or department head? Pam Caskie has the experience to both help manage your organization or department while you find the perfect long-term candidate. Additionally, she will supply you with a diagnostic evaluation of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the organization during her time as interim. This will help you set the focus for your new employee to hit the ground running.
Let Pam assist you with setting organizational goals, value clarification, or strategic planning. She is an excellent facilitator and has the ability to draw out even the most reticent participants.
Are you implementing new software? Need a liaison between the software company and your staff? Pam Caskie has 4 decades of experience in helping get the most from new software by asking the right questions and helping staff to overcome the jitters about learning new software.